Course curriculum

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    Prep Work

    • Easily Access The Challenge

    • How To Make Meditation A Habit

    • 22 Journal Prompts for 2022

    • WhatsApp & Team Support

    • Spread The Word

    • Breath of Fire - How & Why

    • Breath of Fire - Guided Practice

    • Nervous System Reset - Guided Breathwork

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    Module 1 - Calming

    • Day 1: Relaxed Awareness

    • Relaxed Awareness Meditation

    • Day 2: Morning Meditation

    • Day 3: Calming The Mind

    • Day 4: Walking Meditation

    • Day 5: Clearing Mind Clutter

    • Day 6: Healing With The Heart Chakra

    • Day 7: Loving-Kindness Meditation

    • Day 8: Waterfall of Love

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    Module 2 - Balancing

    • Day 9: Morning Grounding

    • Day 10: Authentic Self

    • Day 11: Inner-Child Healing Class (BONUS)

    • Day 12: Chakra Balance

    • Day 13: Letting Go

    • Day 14: The Golden Egg

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    Module 3 - Aligning

    • Day 15: Full Moon Release

    • BONUS: Leo Full Moon Ceremony 1/26/24

    • Day 16: The Grounded Light

    • BONUS: The Inner-Guide Class

    • Day 17: The Inner Guide

    • Day 18: Dissolving Blocks

    • Day: 19 Remembering The Authentic Self

    • Day 20: Earthing

    • Day 21: Love Begins With Me

    • Day 22: Illuminated Future Self